Why online?

Because there is a lot going on right now.

I know it is not as simple as that, but we are living through a global pandemic. We are either essential and working harder than we’ve ever worked before, or we are working from home, and trying to find the balance. I want to be accessible to you wherever you are at and at the level you are comfortable with.

You might be at home and feeling isolated right now, and wish you could come to our session in person. I will be back in the office soon, and I will invite you to join me when the time is right.

Stress of this pandemic, and isolation from your support group is undoubtedly difficult. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you are struggling. There is no shame in this struggle.

My goals for our online sessions: working with you to see what is causing your distress or problem at the moment, using empathy and active listening to support you and help you move forward and improve your life.

Online therapy is the way of the future, and the benefit is that you don’t have to be in my same city to receive therapy with me, you can be anywhere in California.

I look forward to meeting you, so please don’t hesitate to reach out.